Robotics ans programming
Tools for the knowledge society.
Within the framework of the Curricular Design of the NES (New Secondary School) among whose bases is “Looking at the future, which drives the generation of spaces and tools for the knowledge society, strengthening, among other things, digital education”[1], and of the Colegio Norbridge Pedagogical Project of high academic demand, with emphasis on the development of individual talents and potentials, in the area of Technology and Informatics, we propose a Technological Project by which the cognitive approach to creativity is reflected in each student’s creativity, collective multidisciplinary learning and digitalization.

In our institution, Robotics is developed as cross in the Primary Level, using the Robotics initiation kits of Mis Ladrillos and the RobotGroup technology box kits that were incorporated for the last years of the Level, which have a variety of mechanisms, mechanical and electronic parts with which different robotics and automation devices, such as elevators, conveyor belts or robots with different functionalities and design, can be developed. From the seventh grade, we work with the Arduino platform that combines electronics and programming in C++, developing students customized projects using a wide variety of sensors and electronic components that allow to build from a hygrometer to a 3D printer.
At the Middle Level the construction of various robotic prototypes is carried out with the educational robotics kits that the school has (RASTI Educa), where students design models on an automated scale, applying the knowledge acquired in the subject, not just construction, but also programming.
The approach prioritizes experimentation, problem solving and reflection, interacting with materials, resources and technological equipment, Robotic and Programming, are key to acquire said knowledge and allow students to apply forecasting, layout, representation and modelling, combining algorithmic logics and heuristic strategies, which favor the development of technical thinking. Programming provides students abstraction skills to develop the structuring and development of applications.
In the Primary Level students perform various coding activities of strategy games, web pages or small programs, included in the International Program «Hour of code» and under the paradigm of structured programming, the free Minibloq software included in the Robotics kit RobotGroup used in the last years of the Primary Level, is a simple graphic programming environment, ideal to start programming until reaching a more advanced level in the first years of the Middle Level. From the third year onwards, students begin to apply strategies and techniques to create animations and videogames through educational programming environments and culminating the last year of the Middle Level with the development of mobile applications.