Kinder – Pilar

Number of classes:

  • 1 year room: Morning shift or full school day.
  • 2 years room: Morning shift or full school day. Spanish and integrated English.
  • 3 years room: Morning shift or full school day. Spanish and integrated English.
  • 4 years room: Mandatory full school day. Spanish and integrated English.
  • 5 years room: Mandatory full school day. Spanish and integrated English.


  • 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.: Rooms 1, 2 and 3 – Morning shift
  • 4:45 p.m.: Full school day release, Rooms 1, 2 and 3
  • 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Rooms 4 and 5

Annual events:

Events’ anniversaries (festivities), Annual Exhibition, Grandparents’ Day, Sports (5 rooms), Campadía (5 rooms), Children’s Day, Garden Day, Artistic Act (1-4 years rooms), Concert (4 and 5 rooms), Graduation Ceremony, Family Day.

Level projects

It is our first purpose to guarantee the integral education of all our students, our aim is to create an optimal socio-emotional environment so that they can develop emotional intelligence and gradually acquire new knowledge.

We work on prevention, we follow each student in a personalized way, considering family and school as a team. Our students acquire autonomy, self-esteem and creativity through spaces created for the development of multiple intelligences where they can all learn to BE, KNOW and DO.

Early Stimulation: in the nursery, our premise is to build healthy bonds with support and care as the fundamental bases of the next learning.

Through senses and games, children discover the world around them learning to play and playing to learn, in an advantageous atmosphere for their integral development. Early reading stimulation project: firstly, we have a program of early reading stimulation starting at the 2 years room, with all the necessary stimulation so that they can first approach letters recognition (phoneme-grapheme association) so that little by little it becomes part of children’s daily environment and is naturalized by mixing the game with the teaching-learning process.

World General Information: From an early age we expose children to world information, making them curious and interested in new knowledge, thus awakening intrinsic motivation. This project has continuity throughout the school career.

Emotional Intelligence: We organize weekly meetings to work and experience through various strategies the development of such intelligence and socio-emotional skills, creating a safe emotional environment and with the necessary contention to discover and enhance children’s talents.

Permanent and Continuous Training: the complete teaching staff participates in a monthly training on various topics, leading to professional improvement.



At the Initial Level, our pedagogical project for the acquisition of a second language is based on three main objectives:


    • To make children familiarized with the use of language by means of games, songs and activities that develop their potentials.


    • To have children gradually acquire vocabulary helping them to communicate with the people around them, answer instructions and use everyday expressions.


  • To make children incorporate the necessary tools to develop their full potential to face the requirements of later stages with solid foundations, by means of the early stimulation of reading in English.

Our staff

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